
What to know when discussing car repairs with a mechanic


我们中的一些人可能对汽车引擎盖下发生的事情不太了解. 这就是为什么依靠一个有经验的、值得信赖的机修工是常规游戏的关键 upkeep and maintenance. 确保你知道机械师什么时候会很好地照顾你的车,而不仅仅是拿走你的钱.

How to find a good mechanic

The first step to getting your car repaired is finding a good mechanic. 国营农场® 我能帮你 找一个机修工 但在依赖任何机制之前,你应该先问几个问题. You should ask questions like:

What's your experience with cars similar to mine?

有些修理店专门修理特定品牌和型号的汽车,尤其是老旧的汽车, 更不常见或更昂贵的维修-而一些机械师采取更多的全制造, 所有的模型方法. 提前要求让你的机修工熟悉你的车.

Do you have references and professional memberships?

The best referrals often come from coworkers, 有过积极汽车维修经验的朋友和家人. Online review sites may also provide some insights. 除了, 机械师可以获得专业认证,如美国国家汽车服务卓越研究所(ASE)的印章, which indicates training and testing minimums. 或者他们可能属于汽车服务协会(ASA)等组织。, which encourages members to ad在这里 to a code of ethics.

Use the resources of the 国营农场 选择服务® 程序. 这是一个经过审查的汽车修理店网络,必须达到性能标准. 你周围70英里内的商店都列在汽车修理店定位表上. (The 程序 is not available in all states.)

How much do you charge per hour?

Hourly labor rates vary widely across the country. The labor rate could range, on average, anyw在这里 from 每小时70到125美元. Most repair shops will charge a flat rate per hour. 统一的费率将有助于机械师对工作做出一致且公平的估计.

Can I have a copy of the estimate?

The answer should always be yes. 估价应由机械师签字,并包括所有零件和人工总数. 让维修店和你一起检查每一行的项目,并解释清楚——如果你不明白的地方,不要害怕问问题. Also find out whether the repairs are recommended or essential.

What are my options for parts, and can I choose what you use?

T在这里 are often different price points for some car parts — 轮胎例如,根据它们的材料和质量,它们有不同的范围. 一些汽车零件可能由制造商(通常称为原始设备制造商或OEM零件)制造。, while aftermarket parts are made by a different company. And some parts may be covered under a warranty so ask about that, 太, and get the details in writing. 当涉及到这些决定时,你应该对机制的使用有发言权. 除了, 如果在维修过程中,机械师遇到了一些意想不到的事情,而不是在最初的估计, they should always get your approval.

Signs of a bad mechanic

大多数机械师都是诚实可靠的,因为他们的声誉是他们最宝贵的资产. However, t在这里 are some red flags that you may spot. If you hear one of these from a mechanic, pay close attention:

  • "Your air filter is dirty.“如果你下次来的时候机械师给你看一个肮脏的空气过滤器, make sure that the filter actually belongs to your 车辆. 了解你的车在当前状态下的样子,以及通常的更换时间表——通常每30年更换一次,000 miles or three years, or according to your owner's manual.
  • "Your 车辆 needs synthetic oil.“虽然合成油可能比传统油更耐用, it's typically double the cost, and you may not notice much difference in how your 车辆 performs. Before scheduling regular 车辆 maintenance, read your owner's manual to know what kind of oil is required.
  • "You need additional repairs.“如果你把车开到这里进行一次低成本的服务,比如换油, your shop may try to persuade you to get additional, 不必要的维修. 为了避免这种情况,你可以在手套箱里放一个记录,告诉你最近完成了什么工作, 或者你的用户手册建议的定期维护.



  • 查看当地的评论网站,看看其他顾客对这家商店的评价.
  • Ask for a written estimate before authorizing 车辆 repairs.
  • Consider a second opinion from a different mechanic.
  • Decide if you want to use an independent repair shop or a dealership. 经销商的机械师通常更贵,但他们会使用授权的零件,而且更有可能知道你的车有什么召回问题.

What to do if a mechanic overcharges you

如果你觉得自己被多收了钱或者受到了不合格的服务, you should try to get it fixed right away. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to dispute any charges. To dispute your bill you should:

  • Ask for an explanation for the price. 优秀的机制应该能够列出所有费用,并能够向你展示任何被移除或替换的部件.
  • Ask to speak to management. Try to remain calm while seeking answers. 如果你找不到经理,那就问问他们你怎样以及什么时候可以和他们谈谈.
  • Have your credit card company fight for you. If you aren't able to reach an agreement while at the shop, 通知修理店,你要让你的信用卡公司停止支付账单.
  • 提出投诉. 你可以联系商业改善局,提出投诉,也可以通过你所在州的司法部长联系你所在州的汽车维修监管机构.

本文中的信息来自与国营农场无关的各种来源® (包括国营农场 Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 国营农场 is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 国营农场 makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.


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