File folders with house purchase closing documents.


A guide to the closing documents and other important household documents you should keep after you buy your house — and what you can consider getting rid of.

浏览文书工作和 过程 买房子的时候可能会不知所措. T在这里 are several documents needed for a mortgage application, such as pay stubs and tax returns. Once everything is settled, it is important to save certain documents related to your house closing. Here are a few tips on what you should retain and for how long.


  • 水电费: At the end of the calendar year and once you've matched actual expenses to those that appear on your bank or credit card statements, 你可以抛硬币 水电费.
  • 更改地址确认: When you purchase a house, you usually need to update your address with 美国邮政总局 把你的邮件寄到你的新家. You can shred the confirmation after you begin receiving the forwarded mail at your new address.





  • 家装采购及收据: You may not intend on selling your home anytime soon, but keep proof of purchases and upgrades you make, like adding new appliances or fresh drywall. They're helpful to demonstrate appreciated value to future buyers.
  • pp王者电子官网: Store these vital documents in a safe spot so you can access account numbers and coverage limits, 以及代理商联系方式, 在任何时候.
  • 抵押贷款文档: Keep any mortgage paperwork you get when purchasing your home. 即使你还清了抵押贷款, you'll receive a release or certificate of satisfaction; keep that, 太.
  • 库存: A 家里的库存 can be done once you move in and is especially helpful if you have any 业主或财产pp王者电子官网 索赔. Be sure to keep it up to date on a regular basis.


  • 关闭文档: Retain a copy of any document signed during your home's closing as a backup. 一些 experts advise keeping this collection of forms for several years after you eventually sell the home, 太. A list of closing mortgage documents include:
    • 购买协议
    • 附件
    • 披露和修复请求
    • 托管信息,检验报告
    • 结案陈词等等
  • 摘要、业权、估价及契约: Retain your own record, which outlines things such as legal boundaries and the history of your home.


  • 家庭担保: 再一次。, store in a protected location that you'll remember so you have access to 覆盖和 limitations.

Remember to keep all important documents in a dry, 安全的地方. Many homeowners choose to keep them in a fire-safe box in their home or in a safety deposit box. Knowing what to keep is easier when you know what to 保存或销毁.

一定要问清楚 状态 Farm®代理 关于 房产pp王者电子官网 覆盖和 提供折扣.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. The information is not intended to replace manuals, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.

Neither 状态 Farm nor its agents provide tax or legal advice.







T在这里’s one ready to offer personalized service to fit your specific needs.



A 家里的库存 can expedite insurance 索赔 过程 after theft, damage or loss.


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